Implementing different APIs for each company that delivered us HTML5 games
Html5 technology was on fire. A lot of startups tried to build their empires by creating a lot of html5 games and being their own publishers. My company asked me to implement each of their API's into a common control panel to manage content easier. Each API was different, some used PHP, some used Javascript, some just gave us an Iframe url.
List or providers:
Pulling data from their API
Implementing a model for each API was the first step. Pull the data, prepare it into a common data structure or doing whatever I was required to do to make it work.
Creating internal pages that played the games
In order to make the games work from internal urls I had to implement special game controller, model and view to make these games playable there. For example this is a GamePix game url where you can play the game.
Creating a common view Panel for the content managers
Our content managers had their own panel to add content to the websites. I made this publisher games view allowed only by Content Managers and Admins where they could grab the final game url and just press a button to have the game ready in the other control panel they used.
Famobi publisher games, example view
Games from gamepix, same view
This was an old control panel for registering games where I sent our content managers with a simple click, so they could register these mobile games.
Old legacy control panel in the process of a gamepix game addition